Thinking About

ThinkingWorks by Thinking Ergonomix internationally supply the commercial furniture industry with leading edge products, designed by a highly creative and progressive industrial design team Thinking Solutions. The products are found in multiple installations for the commercial work environment around the world.

ThinkingWorks speciality is table systems. Their repertoire also includes the design and production of other products used in work environments, including power boxes for our tables, monitor arms, seating and other fun and novel items. Some of the products can also be found in residential installations due to their quality design and good looks!

Their ‘down under’ reputation has earned them international awards and they take pride in telling the Australian story to all those who appreciate thoughtful design, environmental sustainability, quality manufacturing and an organisation who keep their Thinking on the pulse.

Sustained Thinking

Their journey towards sustainability was initiated not as a response to social trends, but because they truly believe it is the right thing to do. ThinkingWorks is proud of their achievements whilst attempting to reduce the environmental impact of their products and business overall as demonstrated by their GECA Eco-labelling product certification, LOW VOC products and the implementation of their Product Stewardship Program as well as the use of green power. Furthermore, any product environmental claims are third party verified to ensure absolute transparency.

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Torino Table